INTEGRATIVE MASSAGE - EARTH *Deep & easy elbow work *Side posture *Multiple modalities *Follow along massage
The Earth Massage is a deep, muscular massage designed to release tension, loosen muscles and free restrictions. This video integrates Side Posture, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release and Swedish Massage. Benefits include muscle lengthening, increased range of motion, and improved posture. Perform this massage on clients with muscle tension, limited range of motion, or on people who can’t lay face-down or face-up for long. This video also includes a 5 minute Yoga routine for the practitioner.
INTEGRATIVE MASSAGE - FIRE *Multiple modalities *Great music *Follow along massage
The Fire Massage is a rejuvenating and revitalizing massage designed to loosen blocks, relieve stress and energize the body. This video integrates Sports Massage, Active Resistance Stretching,Neuro-lymphatic Reflex Massage, Breath Work, Deep Tissue Therapy and Swedish Massage. Benefits include increased circulation, increased vitality and activation of body systems. Perform this massage on receivers who are tired, lethargic, or have limited vitality.This video also includes a 5 minute Chi Gung self-care routine for the practitioner. INSTRUCTOR: Jenny Wilmer
INTEGRATIVE MASSAGE - SPIRIT *Leads you step by step through the whole massage- both sides of the body.
The Spirit Massage is a gentle stress relieving massage designed to quiet the mind and get the client in touch with their deeper rhythms. This video integrates Lymphatic Drainage, Guided Imagery, Energy Balancing, Myofascial Release and Swedish Massage. Benefits include stress relief, deep relaxation, and increased mental, emotional and spiritual clarity. Perform this routine on receivers who are stressed, scattered, or in emotional turmoil. This video also includes a 5 minute Kundalini Yoga routine for the practitioner. INSTRUCTOR: Jenny Wilmer