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Sound Healing Foundations – Class Tools Bundle – is Ohm Therapeutics most complete tool set for tuning fork applications to the physical body. Educational materials included are equivalent to an online class for learning the Foundations of Sound Healing with tuning forks.
• Mid Ohm Set (136.1 hz ea)
• Low Ohm Tuning Fork (68.05 hz)
• Practitioner Activator (leaves both hands free for tuning fork activation and application)
• Tuning Fork Activator (hand-held option for learning and quick tune-ups)
• Instructional Manual + DVD (112 pages, medical illustrations/photos, 26 min. video featuring twenty+ treatments)
• CD Ohm—A World in Harmony (Ohm Drone, a continuous nuanced tone that harmonizes with Ohm Tuning Forks)
• CD Vibrational Healing Music (music harmonizes with sound vibration of Ohm Tuning Forks, enhancing their healing resonance)
Foundations Set price reflects a 10% bundle discount, plus online special addition of two laminated Instructional Charts, a $40 value.
• Massage Therapy Chart
• Chakra Balancing with Sound Chart
- Relaxes muscular tension
- Helps reduce swelling and inflammation
- Stimulates the body’s healing process
- Relaxes adrenals, relieves stress and equilibrates whole body
- Promotes healing of strained muscles, tendons and ligaments
- Alleviates blockages, dispels stasis, and nourishes the Q
Sound Healing is the perfect musical mojo for a world that is out of sync with the melody of the earth. Not just for the professional practitioner, this Manual and DVD are as indispensable as the Ohm tools described; it is a gift to a world much in need of re-tuning with earth-song. A sound innovator whose training spans the gap between tribal and classical methods, de Muynck adds to the ancient instruments traditionally used to maintain the important synchrony of the human body and the earth. ~ Karen Guerin Polarity, Cranial-Sacral Practitioner, Poet and Educator